About Up Your Website

Crafting Brands That Dominate Search

In a world where digital presence is paramount, Upyourwebsite was born from a simple idea – to empower businesses and individuals with online authority and organic visibility.


Miles Halter

In early 2021, I found myself frustrated with the limitations of my local service business reach.

What was it missing? A website. An organic stream of local leads. Online authority.

Despite having a fantastic product, our online presence was missing.

So, what did I do? I set out on a quest to dominate the “near me” searches in my area, resulting in a steady flow of hot leads and qualified customers.

After spending 100s of hours implementing SEO, website management, and digital marketing best practices for my local service business and online guitar education business, I decided to start UpYourWebsite.

Through my website & digital marketing services, YouTube channel, and written content, I’ve been able to help a plethora of local & online businesses make the best website decisions and craft compelling online identities.

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